We appreciate the time our customers take to leave reviews on our products, but because we've gotten some questions about display names associated with reviews, we wanted to give you some handy information!

I entered a display name but I'm seeing my own initials instead!

If you're not seeing your display name, it's because the email you used is already in the Judge.me system. Lots of websites use judge.me as a third party so that their reviews can be independently verified, which is good -- it means you can count on seeing real reviews from real people! But sometimes the way this information is stored can be confusing.

Basically, you aren't seeing your display name because Judge.me already has a name on file for you -- one which you can update if you haven't already!

I updated my name on Judge.me, but it's still only showing my initials!

By default Judge.me will only show your initials until your review has been verified -- you should receive an email shortly after posting your review asking for verification that it's really you. Once you've clicked the link to verify, your chosen name will show!

I'm afraid to verify my review because I don't want my full name to show!

Don't worry! By default we only show the first name and last initial once the review is verified! If you don't want your real name to show, you can update your display name on judge.me!