DIY: Needle Felting!

DIY: Needle Felting!

Needle felting is the process of repeatedly stabbing wool with a special needle to produce wool felt. The resulting fabric is tough and perfect for patching a bare area on your best wool socks. If you’ve never needle felted in your life, don’t worry—it’s simpler than it seems!
Rosalind 🌙
darning supplies and a mended sock

Darn It!

Although we love DIY projects repurposing old socks, sometimes you want to keep wearing the sock as a sock! That’s when darning comes in. Learn to mend your holey socks with us!
Rosalind 🌙
Tagged: DIY mending
Tie Dye 101

Tie Dye 101

Originally posted by Dreamer Jules on August 28th, 2020. It’s been awhile since we’ve featured a DIY tutorial on the blog. We wanted to change that, while hopefully bringing some...
Rosalind 🌙
Tagged: DIY Dye Jules Tie Dye